Thursday 3 November 2011

Today I enjoyed a soy gingerbread latte from Starbucks and it was delicious

Sorry for the long-time no post. I've been lazy. I was hoping by the time I got around to posting I would have received some images from my shoot on Sunday, but alas no such luck. Next post hopefully! The shoot went well, I worked with an easy-going Polish photographer who had a whole Polish team working with her. She had 2 Polish assistants and a Polish make-up artist. The driver and hairstylist were Scots though. It was just a TFP shoot at a lovely beach called Cramond. The theme was bad-ass bride and I wore fur coats, combat boots, and of course a lovely white dress, all the whilst trotting around that beach like I owned the place.

Since last I wrote I visited York, Oxford, and Bath. I may have even fancied York the most out of the 3 cities.  York has a wall around the city as well as many snickelways and the ancient Shambles that have existed for a minimum of 900years.  Next we visited Oxford which is beautiful and also full of history. Oxford's soul purpose appears to be maintaining their many prestigious colleges (all sub-sections of the University spattered about the town) and withholding traditions. Oxford definitely enjoys boasting about the countless famous people who have attended their University over the centuries. However, rather than have this be annoying, the boasting seems to enhance the city's charm. Lastly we visited Bath (only for a day, we trained to and from Oxford). Bath has the oldest architecture I have ever seen with the ancient Roman baths. At the end of our tour through the vast Roman baths we were able to sample the water. It tasted like warm pennies because it was so full of minerals and apparently we could have been drinking rain water that fell 10,000years ago. Then we ended the day with a 2hr trip to the spa. So relaxing. And amazing ethnic food for dinner, so much flavour in tasty Moroccan dishes. Yum.

Halloween passed and I was sad because I didn't dress up or do anything. My liver loves me. I was able to do my Dad's make-up for a party. I thought I did an only okay job what with having to use shitty make-up and no brushes though apparently he had the best costume at the party and the next day (at the failed fire festival) Meghan's peers from the university were telling me what a fantastic job I did. Yay for some make-up this Halloween!

Now to end my post with some songs because my friends have been asking me to play DJ lately, and who doesn't love sharing music? Feel free to message me on Facebook with some songs any of you have been diggin' lately.

Can't find this on itunes (sent this to you already Von)

Not Everyones' Cup of Tea

Cute Video

1 comment:

  1. I like how you posted the "clean" version of the Austra track.
